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发布时间:2019-07-05浏览:2312次 编辑:刘老师 收藏文章



Passage Four

The first European stock exchange was established in Antwerp, Belgium(比利时), in 1531.There were no stock exchanges in England until the 1700' s. A man wishing to buy or sell shares of stock had to find a broker(agents) to transact his business for him. In London, he usually went to a coffee house, because brokers often gathered there. In 1773, the brokers of London formed a stock exchange.

In New York City, brokers met under an old button-wood tree on Wall Street. They organized the New York Stock Exchange in 17.92. The American Stock Exchange, the second largest in the United States, was formerly called the Curb Exchange because of its origin on the streets of New York City.

A stock exchange is a market place where member brokers buy and sell stocks and bonds (债券) of American and foreign businesses on behalf, of the public. A stock exchange provides a market place for stocks and bonds in the same way a board of trade does for commodities. The stockbrokers receive a small commission on each transaction they make.

The stockholder may sell his stock wherever he wants to unless the corporation has some special rule to prevent it. Prices of stock change according to general business conditions and the earnings and future prospects (前景) of the company~ If the business is doing well, the stockholder may be able to sell his stock for a profit. If it is not, he may have to take a loss.

48. The passage is mainly about__

A. the Wall Street

B. the stock exchange

C. the stock

D. the stockholder and stockbroker


49. In the 1600' S, if a man wanted to buy or sell shares of stock, he had to do it through

A. the government

B. himself

C. a broker

D. the stock exchange


50. The second largest stock exchange in the U. S. used to be, called __________

A. the Wall Street Exchange

B. the New York Stock Exchange

C. the Curb Exchange

D. the U. S. Exchange


51. Which of the statements is true?

A. The stockholder can sell his stock to anywhere at any time.

B. There were no stock exchange in England in the 1700' s.

C. The price of stock is not stable.

D. The stockbrokers do the transaction without charging for the stockholders.


Passage Five

Tom had once worked in a city office in London, but now he is out of work. He had a large family to support, so he often found himself in difficulty. He often visited Mr. White on Sundays, told him about his troubles, and asked for two or three pounds.

Mr. White, a man with a kind heart, found it difficult to refuse the money, though he himself was poor. Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr. White, but he always seemed to be in need of some more.

One day, after telling Mr. White a long story of his troubles, Tom asked for five pounds.

Mr. White had heard this sort of thing before, but he listened patiently to the end. Then he said, "I understand your difficulties, Tom. I' d like to help you. But I'm not going to give you five pounds this time. I' 11 lend you the money, and you can pay me off next time you see me. "

Tom took the money, but he never appeared again.

52. Mr. White decided to lend, not to give Tom five pounds in order to __

A. encourage him to come again

B. get all his money back

C. get rid of him

D. thank him for his stories


53. Tom was now in difficulties because he

A. worked in a city office and was poorly paid

B. was poorly paid and had a large family to support

C. was poorly paid and always spent money carelessly

D. was out of work and had a large family to support


54. Altogether Tom received __________ from Mr. White.

A. at least thirty-five pounds

B. exactly thirty-five pounds

C. less than thirty pounds

D. five pounds


55. Every time Tom went to Mr. White, he would __________

A. directly ask for some money

B. give some reasons before asking for money

C. give reasons and then borrow five pounds

D. ask for money before explaining his troubles


V. Daily Conversation ( 15 points)

Directions :Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A. What about making it a little earlier

B. I have no idea

C. Let' s go together

D. Thank you all the same

E. Do you like basketball

F. When and where shall we meet

G. What are you going to do

H. It doesn' t matter

A: What do you plan to do this weekend?

B: _____56_____

A : I hear there' s going to be a basketball match this Sunday. Tom and I are going to watch it._____57_____?

B : Of course. Basketball is my favourite. But I have no ticket for the match. What a pity !

A : You' re lucky. I have some free tickets.____58______.

B : Great !_____59_____?

A : Let' s meet at the bus stop at half past five.

B: I think there must be a big crowd of people there._____60_____?

A : OK. See you at five o' clock.

B: See you.







Ⅵ。 Writing(25 points)

Directions :For this part, you are supposed to write a letter in English in 100 - 120 words based on the following information. Remember to write it clearly.

61.你是王刚(Wang Gang),写一封给朋友李明(Li Ming)的祝贺信,祝贺他获得复旦大学计算机科学硕士学位,并祝他今后在学习和研究方面取得成功。

答案:Dear Li Ming,

I am delighted to learn that you have received your Master' s degree in Computer Science from Fudan University. I write to congratulate you on your success. We have good reason to feel proud of you. We know your degree of ,Master of Computer Science means diligent study and hard work. As your best friend, I have followed your progress with pleasure and interest. I can imagine how satisfied your parents are at this moment. As I understand, you will continue studies in America soon. I wish you great success in your studies and research work.


Wang Gang














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